Mama Goddess goes to the 2007 CAM Conferance in Vanocuver!
The Canadian Midwifery Conference was held on November 1st, 2nd and 3rd here in Vancouver B.C this year, and Mama Goddess made it’s first debut with great success!.
The conference was very well organized and the midwives were a pleasure to work with.
I went and set up the night before, and ran into a few local midwives I know, it was a lot of fun to see them and set the week-end off on a cheerful note!
The day of the conference was a busy one with many midwives being interested in our Birth Art and Rebozos. It was also an exciting time because Mama Goddess Birth Shop marked our second year anniversary just the day before!
All in all I would say that the two days spend chatting and getting invaluable feedback from midwives from all over Canada was on the top of my list, and I will be making my best effort to get to the next one in 2008 in Quebec!
Thank-you to everyone who stopped by the booth!
- Nikiah Seeds